易昂设计 | 美物抵心,极简与中古的对话
我活着 每一天感受着所有的 细节和琐碎 并且尝试将它们 置于欣赏的位置 ——山本昌南 真正的诗意栖居,从不是逃离繁华喧嚣,也不是花簇锦攒的向外昭示,而是在心中呵护独属于自己的一方桃花源。因此,家无定式,之于居者,既是可以精心雕琢的空间,亦是可以品味的生活哲学。 A true poetic dwelling is not an escape from the hustle and bustle, nor is it an outward sign of flower clusters, but the care of a peach blossom source in the heart that belongs to oneself. Therefore, there is no definite style of home, which is not only a space that can be carefully crafted but also a philosophy of life that can be savored by the residents.
客厅 LIVING ROOM 留白消边界 松弛蕴自在 空间的流动,一方面得益于布局上的贯通,一方面仰仗于大面积采光的多向呼应。在核心的功能组件之外,大量的留白,反向聚焦了家庭的动线焦点,亦让家的相处有了更多极具呼吸的通透,功能与精神皆可自由生长。 The flow of space is partly due to the coherence of the layout and partly due to the multi-directional echoes of the large area of light. In addition to the core functional components, a large amount of white space focuses the family's dynamic focus, and allows the home to have more breathable ventilation, so that both function and spirit can grow freely.
在时间的长河里,总有些耐得住的淬炼,流传为经典。时间沉淀后的内敛之美,与当下的艺术碰撞出新的火花。复古的路径,以一件件具象的物件,与当下的生活里有了新的链接点,亦唤醒了人恒久不变的怀旧情愫。辗转弥香,愈品愈醇。 In the long river of time, there are always some durable refinements that pass down as classics. The introverted beauty after time settles, and the current art collide with new sparks. The path of retro, with a concrete object, and the current life has a new link point, but also awakened the constant nostalgia of people. The more it is tossed around, the more it is tasted.
如果说,极简手法下的点线面构造,擅长勾勒连通大境,模糊时间与空间界限的自由场域。那装饰线条和色彩跳跃,则成为客厅节奏调和的元素。 If we say that the minimalist approach to the construction of points, lines and surfaces is good at outlining a free field that connects the big picture and blurs the boundaries of time and space. The decorative lines and color jumps are the elements that harmonize the rhythm of the living room.
不同色度的浅色系中,高级棕是点题温度与品位的妙笔,如生活里意外打开的巧克力,随着四时流转的光影变幻,碰撞出未知的惊喜味道。 Among the different shades of light colors, the premium brown is a wonderful brush to point out the temperature and taste, like the accidental opening of chocolate in life, with the change of light and shadow of the four seasons, colliding with the unknown surprise taste.
餐厅 DINING ROOM 风味连佳境 烟火亦诗情 开放式餐厅自带深意,以生活的便捷展开左右逢源的叙事。一面以集颜值与多功能于一体的岛台,完成与客厅日常的衔接,一面直接贯通至厨房,畅达从食材到风味的全过程流动。天然环绕,自然佐味,艺术共和,关于烟火的故事也丰盈得更加迷人。 The open dining room carries its own deep meaning, unfolding the narrative of left and right with the convenience of life. On one side, an island with value and multi-functionality completes the daily connection with the living room, and on the other side, a direct access to the kitchen allows the whole process from ingredients to flavors to flow smoothly.Natural surroundings, natural flavors, artistic republics, and stories about fireworks are fleshed out to be more fascinating.
即使是烟火处,亦彰显着审美的情趣与格调。山水花鸟的意境,是典型东方风韵的精神表达,却又不被时间的痕迹拖累,以与当下生活方式匹配的场域同频共振。刻在骨子里的东方情愫,与现代生活基调的舒惬,不拘于形,早已达至意境。 Even in the place of smoke and fire, the aesthetic interest and style are also manifested. The mood of landscape, flowers and birds is the spiritual expression of typical oriental charm, yet it is not dragged down by the traces of time and resonates with the same frequency in a field that matches the current lifestyle. The oriental sentiment engraved in the bones and the comfortable tone of modern life are not confined to the shape, but have already reached the realm of meaning.
极具法式优雅与复古浪漫的拱形门,是天然的框景器,家中的每一处流连,移步易境。艺术手法的设计表达,柔化了空间的曲线美,延展着视觉上的同一性,丰富了空间形态,最后达成精神上的浪漫主义彰显。 The arched door with French elegance and vintage romance is a natural framer, and every part of the home is lingering and moving. The artistic expression of the design softens the beauty of the curves of the space, extends the visual homogeneity, enriches the form of the space, and finally achieves the manifestation of spiritual romanticism.
卧室 BEDROOM 复古情愫浓 栖居着雅趣 复古是致敬,亦是创新。在复古情结的启发下,设计重新提取早已被时间印证过的经典元素,熟悉的符号,以现代的笔触,重新去描摹。设计没有过多的干预卧室空间,留给了静谧的氛围,却又胜在韵脚。雕花石膏线以细节处的精度,四两拨千斤,升华了整个空间的格调。 Retro is a tribute, but also an innovation. Inspired by the retro complex, the design re-extracts the classic elements that have long been proven by time, familiar symbols, and re-describes them with modern strokes. The design does not interfere too much with the bedroom space, leaving a quiet atmosphere, yet winning in rhyme and foot. The carved plaster line sublimates the whole space with the precision of the details.
体块是在平铺直叙中,最擅长制造出旋律的手法。生活的俗常,经几何形态点化,明晰了功能,奏和出灵动。艺术的仪式,也丝毫不甘缺席,以材质的品位,以色彩的调和,以细部的精度,共同营造出致敬热爱生活的礼赞。在这样匠心的铺垫下,只需一枝横斜,毫不费力便燃起了满室的生命力。 The block is the best way to create melody in a straightforward way. The mundane of life is punctuated by geometric forms, which clarify the function and harmonize the spirit. The ritual of art is not absent at all, with the taste of materials, the harmony of colors and the precision of details, together creating a tribute to the love of life. With such artisanal pavement, just a single cross-slanting branch effortlessly ignites a room full of vitality.
即使再细碎的生活片段,也从不怠慢。怀古的浪漫情怀与现代审美的需求相结合,让时间的维度,在空间中一一串联,却又各抒其怀。木质与布艺的随性温柔,给了亲子相处最轻松惬意的共度氛围,石材与镜面的干练,则让生活的调性一眼可见。 Even the smallest fragments of life are never neglected. The romantic sentiment of nostalgia combined with the needs of modern aesthetics allows the dimensions of time to be strung together one by one in the space, yet each expresses its own feelings. The casual tenderness of wood and fabric gives the most relaxing atmosphere for parents and children to spend time together, while the dryness of stone and mirror makes the tonality of life visible at a glance.